Boom Goes the …

May 1st, 2020 at 12:55 PM ^

Not the point.  A lot of damage is being done in the name of safety.  People want the freedom to go about their lives not to be shut inside and told what to do, where to go, and what businesses are essential.    I might take government officials seriously if they went w/o pay during this


May 2nd, 2020 at 6:23 PM ^

Actually, there's a political case to be made that yes, that's precisely what they want.

A weaker economy will (rightly or wrongly) be blamed on the incumbent president during an election year.  

Just as there's a sound case to be made that the longer they keep people home, the more dependent on government people become, whether it's in the people's best interests or not.  

Special Agent Utah

May 1st, 2020 at 10:57 PM ^

Bullshit. It’s a bunch of fucking pussies who don’t seem to get that everyone is suffering and they think they’re special and the whole fucking state should drop everything accommodate them being inconvenienced. 


May 1st, 2020 at 1:27 PM ^

But its ok if Antifa does it.  Or politicians regardless of party misuse our tax dollars its ok.  Planned Parenthood can stay open and funnel money to the Democratic party its ok.  Same politicians continually screw us and the work our grandparents and parents did and its ok.  So when is it ok to protest?  When your mouth is so full of the shit both parties jam into it you can't breath / live?  I worked for our government for 31 years and the crap I have seen from all our previous leaders including this one would make you sick.  They are ruining our country wake the fuck up people.


May 1st, 2020 at 1:49 PM ^

But its ok if Antifa does it.  Or politicians regardless of party misuse our tax dollars its ok.  Planned Parenthood can stay open and funnel money to the Democratic party its ok.  Same politicians continually screw us and the work our grandparents and parents did and its ok.  So when is it ok to protest?  When your mouth is so full of the shit both parties jam into it you can't breath / live?  I worked for our government for 31 years and the crap I have seen from all our previous leaders including this one would make you sick.  They are ruining our country wake the fuck up people.

4th phase

May 1st, 2020 at 6:22 PM ^

What does Antifa and Planned Parenthood have to do with anything? I don’t see any support in this thread for Antifa. And I don’t remember a Planned Parenthood militia storming the capital, let alone people commending them for doing so. So in summary: what the fuck are you even saying?

Creedence Tapes

May 1st, 2020 at 7:26 PM ^

People are loosing their jobs because the government here is not stepping to to help workers and businesses. Look at the UK or Germany. The government there is paying out 80% of salaries during the stay at home order, so that places don't have to let people go. When it's over, their country will be able to resume business as usual, while people in the US will scramble to try and "create jobs". 

You can read about it here:

L'Carpetron Do…

May 1st, 2020 at 10:32 AM ^

How do we know they are? How do we know they didn't obtain those weapons illegally? I understand that the vast majority of gun owners are law-abiding but those are insanely dangerous weapons and they often change hands illegally. Not to mention we've had several incidents in this country in which previously law-abiding citizens used those weapons to massacre dozens of their fellow Americans. 

I'm glad they didn't trash the place, etc. but there's also a way to peacefully protest without parading around with a machine of death strapped to your body. And as Grandaddy has  pointed out: these are not 2A protests: bringing these weapons is totally beside the point. And it makes it hard for me to take seriously whatever argument they are trying to make.


May 1st, 2020 at 11:01 AM ^

If a group of people of literally any other race entered the capital building fully armed to "exercise their 2nd amendment rights," we would currently be talking about a shootout at the Michigan state capital


May 1st, 2020 at 11:46 AM ^

Because the Capitol police arrest people "for no reason," Right.

I'd love to hear the reaction of these same protesters if the protest was that of 700 pissed-off, black males, openly carrying weapons, getting into the Capitol and screaming in the face of the police there, to protest the shitty state of medical care for minorities in the City of Detroit.  Armed of course to deter police from arresting them "for no reason.".


May 1st, 2020 at 10:26 PM ^

He’s not lying. If you want to see violence head to Portland and watch how the FAR LEFT works. Antifa being paid by your dumbass far left comrades. This blog is full of LIBTARDS. 


Boom Goes the …

May 7th, 2020 at 3:37 PM ^

yep.  Bet most of the yuppies didn't know that the protest yeilded only 1 arrest.  Out of all those "terrorists" storming the Capitol, only 1 arrest.  And it was for a counter protester assaulting someone else.  Probably an Antifa wannabe who came out of his parents basement for a couple hours to crush Nazis


May 1st, 2020 at 10:15 AM ^

It's because it's their identity; they want to see themselves as the baddest boys in the room. They also fantasize about someone "giving them an excuse" to use their guns.

There's no logical reason to bring a gun to a protest like that. You've got opinions, and you're free to express them (which is oddly incompatible with the complaint of tyranny, etc.) but bringing guns exposes the fact that it has nothing to do with the actual issues at hand.

Durham Blue

May 1st, 2020 at 10:11 PM ^

I am truly baffled by the gun thing.  I don't get it.  Why are people so worried about keeping and/or buying guns?  When in the past 244 years of this country's existence have guns been taken away from Americans?  Sure, restrictions on buying guns have been levied, mainly to prevent the wrong people from having them.  Not a bad thing, right?  I want to understand the thinking of a gun advocate.

Enlighten me.


May 1st, 2020 at 10:35 AM ^

This was Part II of the so called “Liberate Michigan” rally that Trump put out two weeks ago.  Trump infused a second amendment take away as part of that rally.  So they are protesting the Stay at home order and also what they believe to be a plot to take away the 2nd Amendment rights to possess firearms.  I’m a retired State Trooper and it’s very difficult to see Troopers stand toe to toe with armed people in a protest.


May 1st, 2020 at 11:13 AM ^

Right. They're just lining up with their (red) team. Guns for them are mostly the "pink pussy" hats that women wore in the 2016 post-election process to signify alignment with their (blue) team.

Similarly, it could be argued that Mike Pence went no-mask at the Mayo Clinic recently in a really quick shout to his (red, again) team.


May 1st, 2020 at 1:29 PM ^

This is it, exactly. It's all part of the uniform of the team. Everyone does it, guns on one side, pussy hats on the other. 

Incidentally, for all the guns that were around, not one was fired, as far as I have heard. So, it is evidence that in fact, guns are not inherently dangerous even when carried in public. 


May 1st, 2020 at 11:37 AM ^

@The Granddaddy,  I'm not on the pro-protesters side, but I can help explain it.  My best friend from high school was stock piling ammo for awhile because he was afraid Obama was going to take his guns.  As you probably know there is a continuum of people who believe in small government to a [libertarian] fringe of people who don't believe in government at all.  On the extreme you have groups like the Michigan Militia who are prepping for a Red Dawn scenario, but where the Russians' part is played by Nancy Pelosi and Hillary Clinton.  Any government oversight is viewed as an intrusion and an abuse of power.  So being forced to shelter in place (which really should sort of be their thing), is directly related to their right to carry a gun and defend themselves against the government.  

Their argument is logically valid.  ...and in a twisted way it is good that the government knows there are people who will "fight" for their rights.  That said, taking necessary public health precautions isn't Orwellian state control.  Also, encouraging these people to protest is going to get a number of them sick and kill people in their families, which is sad.

Robbie Moore

May 1st, 2020 at 11:55 AM ^

That said, taking necessary public health precautions isn't Orwellian state control.

Agreed. But the lack of political leadership shown on all sides is very discouraging. They are all intimidated by a small minority of highly vocal people who have been given a gigantic platform by social and legacy media. What would be true leadership would be for red and blue to meet, agree to a reasonable strategy, announce it together and tell the wackos on both sides to sit down and STFU. I know it won't happen. But if we had people who understood how to arrive at consensus in a democracy we would be much better off.



May 1st, 2020 at 3:12 PM ^

 That said, taking necessary public health precautions isn't Orwellian state control.

We can only say this now because the reason for the emergency declaration is something that a lot of people still agree with.  But the 1945 law that Whitmer is citing is a potentially scary piece of Orwellian legislation.  The governor may unilaterally declare an emergency, do whatever he or she likes (except take guns away - that is specifically called out in the law) and never give up that power until he or she wants to?

Whether or not Whitmer is abusing that power is somewhat beside the point.  The existence of that power in the first place is what's scary.  That's a law that needs to go.


May 1st, 2020 at 12:23 PM ^

Honest answer - 

The point of the 2nd amendment is to prevent tyrannical government.  The guns are a symbol that these people feel Gov. Whitmer is (at least) toeing closer to that than she ought, and is an, "encouragement" to listen to the other side.

I would honestly guess none of the people who brought them had/have any real intent to use them maliciously.  I'll go further to say no one who would bring a gun to the capital hopes they will ever have need to use the weapons for their 2nd amendment purposes.  They are strictly a symbol that tyranny will not be allowed.  

While the first amendment is and remains the most important - it's easy to "respectfully disagree" with speech, and go ahead and ignore it, which is what they feel Gov. Whitmer is doing with much of her Covid response.


May 1st, 2020 at 3:58 PM ^

Actually... it's about any individual's right to prevent an overbearing government, ANY overbearing government from stripping their INALIENABLE rights.  

But I understand why you would believe your way.  Thankfully the SCOTUS agrees with me.  The framers had no plan to let the 10th amendment become so trampled as to let the federal government get so far and beyond more powerful than the states (an unfortunate unintended consequence of the Civil War).