Kilgore Trout

January 6th, 2023 at 9:33 AM ^

Despite the last couple of days, these are still the good times we will look back on at some point. Back to back Big Ten champions, back to back blowouts of OSU, back to back CFPs. Pretty pretty good. 


January 6th, 2023 at 9:39 AM ^

First Bang of the year for me....My 3 predictions? 

Team 144 wins the National Championship. 

They will route Ohio State at home, Day will get fired. 

They will route the Iowa Wolverines in Indy.



January 6th, 2023 at 10:38 AM ^

I've had back problems since my early 20s, but over the last few years I have been able to all but eliminate them by following the directions of a trainer who emphasizes core stuff. I've always hated working out, but I'll take the misery of 3 workout days a week over back pain. Back pain is debilitating. 

Have a sympathetic bang!

St Joe Blues

January 6th, 2023 at 11:22 AM ^

I've been having fatigue issues from a bout with covid in Oct 2021 and haven't done much exercising. About 3 months ago I started doing push ups every day as an attempt to get back into some sort of shape. Amazingly enough, it's done as much for my back as it's done for my upper body. I've had problems since I hurt my back in 1987. This is probably the best I've felt since then.

My wife pointed out that essentially a push up is a moving plank. I'd been strengthening my core this whole time without realizing it.


January 6th, 2023 at 9:53 AM ^

Remember last winter when our defensive coordinator left to go to the Ravens, our offensive coordinator left for a lateral position at Miami (YTM), our Head Coach seriously considered taking the Vikings job including talking to them on NSD, and the sky was falling?.....Then we went 13-0, whipped OSU ass in they building, won the B1G, and were one not-completely-yakety-sax-everything-that-could-go-wrong-went-wrong game from the Championship game?

Bring me the winter of discontent, I'll take the fall of glorious purpose that follows.


January 6th, 2023 at 10:10 AM ^

Actually? Weighing the plusses and minuses? It's been a great couple of weeks except for, you know, that game with TCU. I took crap from the local bucknut for about 3 +/- hours until he got really quiet. I am not proud of my pleasure watching Day's hopes get crushed with the wide left kick - but screw it, I loved that moment!

Coach is probably staying, regardless of the NCAA crap, the 2023 team looks like we're going to be just fine, the usual MGoBlog miscreants and reprobates still make decent sense in their posts, family is booking some seriously oustanding life positives, bride is still smiling, great friends are still great friends, so life is pretty fine right now.

Yeah, a bang seems to be in order. 😁


January 6th, 2023 at 10:56 AM ^

That really was a bad kick, wasn't it? I mean no chance at all. The kind of kick that makes Buckeye  schadenfreude --the pleasure derived from another's misfortune in getting whipped at home by a worse margin than the year before-- even sweeter because it's less tolerable.

Love the smell of that memory in the morning. It feels like -- victory all over. 


January 6th, 2023 at 10:18 AM ^

1 bad game, 1 good season

If no one is trying to poach your staff they probably suck

Shit posts make provide opportunities for memes and witty response.

Life is good!


January 6th, 2023 at 11:20 AM ^

The NCAA is like the ref in 2016 OSU game who flagged Harbaugh for tossing his playsheets for unsportsmanlike conduct because he claimed it was insubordinate and represented a technical foul in his mind as a former basketball referee. The school got a $10k fine for that. 

That's what these alleged violations are: a technical foul aimed at demonstrating nascent NCAA regulatory authority. The organization only exists because university and college presidents can't be trusted to govern themselves under the construct of a truly independent oversight authority.

So they operate on the fringes of administrative enforcement in the vacuum of lesser control over their business partner pretending they are making a difference regulating competitive half-measures and then punishing those who object to the manner of their limited reach. 

Harbaugh and UM should accept the verdict and move on. Any serious attempt to punish the school will result in the kind of backlash the NCAA is no longer built to survive because it has no transparency, integrity or respect in its current role.