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He certainly plays to win…

He certainly plays to win the game.  He doesn't just play to play it...

You were SO close!

You were SO close!  Just V off!!!

Reasonable take...

Reasonable take...

To contribute further to the…

To contribute further to the wallowing...



Parity based scheduling. …

Parity based scheduling.  Every East team was matched up (based on historical record) with a West counterpart.  Those teams would meet 4 times in a six year stretch.  The other 2 was just a cycling phenomenon.

Is it me...

Or is this the world's longest dice throwing gif...I'm starting to think it might NEVER happen!

I don't believe that's true...

MSU was called for a couple, the latter of which wasn't a good call, either.

Seems eminently reasonable...

I mean things were going just swimmingly before the rains came...

I must be missing something...

Because this quote doesn't strike me as remotely controversial.  Why wouldn't he find it personally satisfying?  Taken within the context of the article (ie enjoying seeing his fans and players satisfied)...I mean seriously folks???  We're gonna try and get worked up over this?

How is this cretin...

Still on the board???  I mean it's one thing to consistently post nonsensical bunk, it's another to make up for that by being a complete asshat...

I think you're on the right track...

I'd heard the assistant to the traveling secretary made the switch from polyester to cotton pants, in hopes that the lighter more breathable fabric would keep them cooler and therefore playing better...But with all this rain in Omaha...

I'm pretty sure...

He's used to that.

You can always tell...

Fairly quickly, which fans understand how the selection process works, and which don't...

I just hope that Beamer...

didn't buy non-refundable plane tickets/accommodations...Because if Harbaugh finds out that Art Briles is interested...



It wasn't drug related...

Neither PED nor recreational.  Every player was put through the NCAA testing rigors prior to the B10 CG that season (which was how a couple Buckeyes - I believe Noah Spence was one - ended up getting the post-season ziggy).

One poster is in the neighborhood of the truth in this thread.  I realize it's more fun to rationalize MSU's success away,but a simple rule of thumb would be, if johnnavarreismyhero is posting it, view it with a HEALTHY dose of skepticism.


No he wasn't.

How in the world can anyone type (with a straight face)...

about MSU's "obsession" with Michigan... Have you not opened a thread on this board in the last 24 hours? Week?  Month?  3-4 years?  Dantonio has taken up residence - rent free - in the minds of a significant portion of the Michigan fan base.

Ignoring for one moment that, "this is a thread, here???"

There were some "sobering" statistics posted here a while back about this type of arson...Bottom line, you're getting out over the tips of your skis a bit.

I just disagree with... Your analysis on that particular play...And having said that, I suppose if providing a quality, objective analysis of the flags in that game...I guess I'll assert that you and I can carpool to the Unemployment Agency.
So is that a repudiation of everything I typed...

Or confirmation that I'm not the only person on the board that saw it as I previously had explained?


I'm guessing I know the answer.

Huh...So this thread happened.

Good grief...I agree with a few other posters that see a number of dubious (see biased) interpretations regarding a number of these flags.


Am I the only person here that absolutely does NOT think Conklin threw Bolden onto Cook...1) Conklin sees Cook prior to, a reverse play angle shows what appears to be substantial right-arm force being applied (ie away from Cook)...2) so we're saying Conklin threw him ON to his QB?  3)  The position and "fluidity" of his left arm immediately after also doesn't really support Seth's assertion.  


IMO, Bolden saw an opportunity to take a little shot at Cook and went for it.  I didn't think (or perhaps like) to see it labeled targeting, even if it satisfied the letter of the rule, because it wasn't a substantial or potentially substantial hit.  Contrast that with Morgan's grazing of a sliding Cook - which looked like a clear target to me  and carried with it the potential to do the type of harm the rule's spirit is attempting to eliminate (or at least mitigate) from the sport (I assumed that's who they were checking out on replay initially).


I mean you'd have a really strong argument had that been the ONLY incident involving Lewan...But since it's as Ann as the nose on plain's face that it wasn't (and that it did involve multiple players/people from multiple games - hell, ask around about the opinion from his own teammates)...Perhaps you should keep the asinine nonsense to yourself.  


Then what in the world...

Is to be done for the other 17 hours in the day, and the last week of the month!!!

I really don't think ...

There are more capricious or arbitrary facets to Basketball recruiting, I think the fact that there are demonstrably fewer total recruitments makes it sometimes seem like that.

I also agree with a the perspective of a couple prominent Basketball recruiting analysts: Basketball recruitng, by and large, is a pretty clean endeavor.  Of the top 150-or-so recruits in a given year, probably 80+% are clean...Of the top 20 recruits, that number probably shrinks to 20-30%.  But again, from a sheer numbers perspective (think of it this way, for the P5 every year you're talking about 1500ish recruitments in football compared to what, somewhere in the 220-240 on the hardwood), it just stands out more when things seemingly go sideways.

Back on the topic of Michigan Hoops recruiting sources, and while I won't throw any parties directly under the bus (that's went poorly in the past regardless of how correct or damning the evidence was), it wouldn't be hard to figure this one out...One Michigan source, after hearing that one of the supporting factors for Michigan's cause in the Winston recruitment, was that he'd only have to sit behind Walton for a year, actually presented the story to his readership as, "Winston was excited about playing with Walton for a year."... C'mon man.


This is a big part of the problem...

IMO.  The notion that Michigan was ever a decided leader.  I'll say this again, but the coverage for Michigan Basketball recruiting is absolutely abysmal.  Webb, Balas, dot man...UM insiders just have an absolutely brutal track record with respect to this sport...I mean the list just goes on and on.  At some point Michigan fans need to alter their expectations with respect to these sources.

Now that's not to say that Michigan was running fourth for Winston, because by all accounts they were in his top 2 right up through the start of this week.  But I think there was pretty good evidence (anecdotal and otherwise) that Michigan trailed MSU by a small - but not inconsiderable - margin.  And I think that's been the case for quite some time, regardless of what the above insiders would have had you believe.


Now on to the larger point about Michigan recruiting...I guess it depends on your level of expectation.  Frankly, I think Michigan has recruited similar to their status in the college hoops landscape.  That said, if you're looking for more (obviously just forget about UK's tier, but let's hypothesize a rise to or near the OSU/MSU level), I'm just not sure that's a realistic endeavor under the current staff (a staff that I'd submit is very good in a couple key areas, and overall).  Here's the kicker and the apparent elephant in this "room"... Beilein is kind of a weird guy.  Not necessarily socially awkward per se, but certainly socially unique.  I don't think there's any question (at least from me) that he doesn't necessarily excel at connecting to recruits on a more visceral/gut level.  None of which is to say that one can't enjoy program success (as Beilein has), or even the occasional high level recruiting success (as Beilein has), it just makes this one aspect of program building that much more difficult.

Actually it appeared to be an...

Arm injury.  And he appeared to be fine not long after.

Or even in their...

MRI tube!!!  And if this guy asks me to please stop moving ONE MORE TIME!!!

And they ripped it off...

From lemmings people.  Lemmings.



He's certainly never...

rubbe...I mean steered me wrong.

I'd heard stories about the relative dearth of attractive female co-eds at your university, but in the immortal words of George Oscar Bluth..."COME ON!"
And how is Izzo generally... Perceived and referred to on this and other Michigan sites. I guess hypocrisy ain't just a two way street in Greece.
It's just another example... Of 'licked recruiting wounds' 101. There's no credible evidence that Battle cost Michigan Langford, or that Langford had been a decided Michigan lean. Contrary to what Webb or Balas (whose track record is absolutely wretched) asserted, there's just no there there.
They changed the rule...

To eliminate any appearances of impropriety.  Smart move, IMO.  Doesn't change the facts on the clock investigation.

I always find these penalty discussions a bit tedious (particularly when they revolve around holding calls - let alone fuzzy still frame photos of holding calls...), because an MSU fan could rightfully counter with the fact that they should have had one additional timeout, after an on-field officiating miscue that didn't stop the clock after one of Michigan's penalties down the stretch.

Not to rain on your...

And many other Michigan fans' parades...But numerous media outlets, the Big 10 Conference, (including the the conference's coordinator of officiating) have all intensely scrutinized the play in question and reached the same conclusion.  There's no proof that something untoward occurred.  


The nature of many stadium clocks, at the time (and to this day actually) was such that the display method during the countdown wasn't always represented consistently (additionally stadium clocks that displayed time remaining to the nearest hundredth of a second were incredibly rare), causing some stadium clocks to display a game that still had .99 seconds on it as ':00'...Now that's not the case in that 2001 game.  Those investigations or reviews of the play said that the time simply hadn't expired yet.

As soon as it...

Loses its first boxing match.

Add some colors and a propeller...

To the top of that hat, and I'd bet my last dollar that that's WD!

Gold Jerry! GOLD!

Well played sir.

Some scoop on this one...

Kareem was a pretty solid MSU lean for some time (including relatively recently).  Father was uncertain initially, not due to a personal issue with MSU, rather there was a confluence of factors.  Father views Kareem as a 3/4 OLB or a 4/3 WDE - he had some concerns MSU wanted to get him inside and soon.  They had a pretty strong familiarity with MSU's program and weren't enamored with the depth chart initially (father thought Cooper and Sweat were/are potential high-end stuff - even as an MSU fan that sounds dubious to me).  Kareem was pretty steadfast in his preference and I was told the father was coming along.  Then 2 weeks ago, MSU received the King and Robertson verbals.  I'm told that gave the son 'just enough' to think about someplace else, and gave the father enough  ammunition to reinforce his initial hesitation.

As for the Bama visit last week, I don't know about that one.  Is that the compromise candidate?  Or does he stay in the neighborhood and go Blue?  I feel like it's pretty safe to say it's going to be one of the two.

What in the world are some of you talking about???

If we can just get pinky to chime in we'll be able to check all our perpetually aggrieved posters boxes...


He's referred to Coach Harbaugh on a couple previous occasions in which the subject came up...I can't even believe that was an actual story/headline!  Seemed like a very cordial gathering amongst some of the best college football coaches in the country...And James Franklin.

I'm going to agree with the Solid Verbal's take...

Look if you can get by some factual errors and dubious assertions (which as another poster noted, recruiting is 'chock fulla')...It's just a little low rent.


I also tend to agree with GRbluefans perspective of less talk more walk.  Well, that an anytime pinky and johnnavarre chime in with an opinion, distance from said opinion, is almost always the prudent course.

I realize facts and you aren't...

Often on speaking terms...But it's awfully difficult to make that assertion with respect to the B10...There were some long and inglorious stretches for the league back when it was termed the Big 2 and the little 8.

All of that said, you're a funny guy...

Is that the inimitable Mr Dorsey??? If it is, I'm somewhat glad you brought him up. As he's certainly a player many pointed to - at the time - as yet another casualty of Michigan's more onerous academic requirements...Of course he couldn't get into Louisville, Miami or South and Central Florida either...Because he failed to meet the NCAA minimum standards.
Protip 4... Hypocrisy is universally "adored"...And you should teach a graduate level course! Are you aware what the differences in requirements are for each of the various FBS conferences? Or of more relevance to this discussion, the P5 conferences? For an incoming HS athlete there essentially aren't any. If you make the NCAA minimum damn near every school in the FBS can get you in. Michigan can. Ohio State can. Oregon can. Texas can. And yes, even Alabama can. Now, your position would have more merit if this discussion centered on junior college athletes (and perhaps I should have noted that earlier). Regarding that prospective pool, the B10 does have legitimate and demonstrably more onerous requirements placed on the student-athlete. But I'm not sure that was ever really a factor in this discussion.
Save the condescension...

For a better fit.  I'm fully aware of each tier of the academic qualification process (I went through it)...I'm also fully aware of a number of the aforementioned schools' requirements (went through that too).

Let me put it to you this way, there has not been, nor will there be, an example of a prospective football recruit that Harbaugh and company truly want, that they couldn't get into the school as long as that prospective recruit meets the NCAA and Conference's minimum standard.  Low qualifiers, non-qualifiers...It's all already been done in Ann Arbor, and unless Harbaugh and the University officially change policy, it'll be done again.



I don't think there's a school in the league that's going to load up on academic risks...The point was and remains, that academic qualification has not been - and most likely will continue to not be - a reason Michigan Football loses out on a recruit it truly wants...And that's been the case for a long time.  From low-qualifiers to actual non qualifiers.  Where there was a will, there's  been a way.

Nah, it's nonsense...

The admissions policies for the general student populations at UM and EMU are obviously different...And while some of the anecdotes offered up are worth some consideration (including RichRod taking too many recruits of a certain academic profile)...For the right talent, Michigan has and will take an NCAA minimum qualifier...And the bottom line remains that Michigan's admittance standards (perhaps floor would be a more apt term for the right situation) are no different (again, for prospective football recruits) than Alabama's or MSU's or Oregon's.


The poster in this thread that observed that Northwestern has a higher minimum standard is correct, and as I understand it, Wisconsin has a very specific core course requirement that also can affect potential acceptance (although I've also been told that their GPA/test score scale is essentially the same as everyone else's.

Don't start with this nonsense...


"Of course some of those "battles" will appear lost because the kid in question does not qualify academically at Michigan.  "


There isn't a battle to be lost (due to academics) against any other B10 (or FBS for that matter) school.  Until we have clear evidence of a change in procedure, the acceptance standard at Michigan is the exact same as OSU, or IU, or KU, UCLA, UF etc...The NCAA minimum.

Well I know I don't wanna be the... Guy that points out that the MVP was Messiah deWeaver, then!!!
Are folks aware that...

That the formerly Harbaugh-led 49'ers picked up Winston last year?  I think he signed with the Browns this off season, too.

I don't think... MSU fudged their numbers. The lower bowl holds 60k and I don't have any problem with an assertion that it was 80%ish full. It was a pretty good crowd by all counts.