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They may enjoy the chance to…

They may enjoy the chance to feel good about being part of an institution that brings interesting people from around the country and world together in a charming, overpriced town to celebrate the ideals of learning and shop for expensive cheese.


I grew up a Michigan fan. We…

I grew up a Michigan fan. We used to go to a couple games a year, but my first Michigan-OSU memory was getting last second tickets to Desmond Howard's Heisman game. Our neighbors came down with the flu, so I got to go. They were great tickets, too.

I came home from that game, called every person I knew to tell them how amazing the game was, and was hooked for life.

Poole is amazing

Poole is doing something fabulous in every. damn. clip. 

Good Luck

Good Luck Wilton. You'll be welcome around here forever.

There's a whole permanent thread for this

That thread links to a spreadsheet in google docs

OT: Net Neutrality

It's been mostly civil, but it's not going to stay that way. Not sure it's worth it

I'm with you

I'm with you - I'm stilly fully aboard the Harbaugh Train.


I'm *always* more rational in July than I am mid season.

I figured with a mostly-new O-Line, and freshmen receivers, we'd be 9-3.

And, I mean, it sucks that we're more-or-less there, but it's still in line with expectations.


Yes! Sane-ness

I always appreciate Bill's takes.

His subtitle is perfect:

We’re full of perspective and long-term vision in the offseason. We lose our minds in the present tense.

Upvote Upvote Upvote

All the Upvotes for the mgowriters. Y'all should have supplimental health insurance for having to read some of your own fans.

Keep it up fellas. 

The answer is obvious

While McDoom is a fabulous name, nothing can compare a name that includes Cheese.

Totally agree

Selfish-Michigan-Fan aside, that's what's even more impressive.

We all have to thank Nikole Miller
They sat at their dining room table and talked about Jourdan leaving Michigan for the NFL. Lewis told Miller that the thought had entered his mind and he was seriously considering it. She told him there was no way she could date someone without a degree.

Thank you, Nikole.

We should send her something...a cheese plate, maybe?

I mean, probably

I mean, probably.

But it's still CHEESE!

You might be comparing

You might be comparing Rudock's End of Year to Speight's Mid-Year. Rudock had 196 attempts to Speights 182 attempts, through 7.

Mmmm! Tasty!

Mmmm! Tasty!


There's no such thing as too much cheese!



Mmm, love me some blue cheese.

Strong take!

Did someone say Cheese?!?!?

Did someone say Cheese?!?!?

Pepper-Jacks, Obviously

Pepper-Jacks, Obviously