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I attended both... BA from UofM, MBA from UofC. As others have said, both schools are great but they couldn’t be more different socially. Undergrad student body tends to be extremely introverted and there is a really limited social scene at UofC. I would only recommend it if your kid is really looking to avoid a traditional big college campus and all that comes with it. The difference between the academics at an undergrad level are pretty narrow. UofC is known for finance though, so if your kid knows what he wants to do and it’s finance/banking, that could be a factor. If your kid is really introverted and looking for a quiet campus/not interested in the social scene/traditional experience, UofC is a good option. If he’s anywhere on the spectrum from slightly introverted to extremely extroverted, I would highly recommend UofM for undergrad.
10 miles from Manhattan 2nd day of high school just across the Hudson in Jersey. Can remember the entire morning unfolding from initially hearing about a plane crash and thinking it was an accident to hearing about the second plane and everyone realizing what was happening. As you can imagine just about everyone had a parent, neighbor or family friend that worked in the towers. Everyone was panic stricken trying to connect with loved ones. I still remember the cloud of smoke hovering on the skyline. It was visible all day, I was 10 miles away and we could see it late into the evening with the naked eye from an overlook in town. For the next few days, the skies were empty as all flights in the area were grounded. But my most vivid memory of the entire episode came about a week later, standing on the football practice field stretching when I heard a plane overheard. It was the first one I'd heard since 9/11 and I'm not kidding when I say every guy on the team, to a man, jumped out of their skin and looked straight up at it - one of the most startling sounds I have ever heard. Never forget.
Brian Cushing

Back when he played at Bergen Catholic in Jersey. Fairly comical outcome, he literally did whatever he wanted as a safety. Free to roam all over the field. He had a pick six that he returned for 70 or 80 yards and as he ran by one of our coaches described him as a gazelle. Really impressive to play against.

Going to need a big push...

She's in a distant 5th at the moment

What's the deal?

Doesn't it feel like we've had a lot of transfers out of the program over the last few years? I don't follow other teams, so I'm not sure of our relative standing here, but it seems like we've had a ton of unnecessary departures out of the program – just bad luck? or a more systemic issue? what's the deal? Thinking of Smotrycz, Horford, Bielfeldt, Spike, Chatman... I get they are all different situations, but it really feels like a disproportionate number of kids leaving the program early....


Great to see our alumni doing great things in the communities that need it most. Leaders & Best truly. Donated as well!

What's your point? Again, you're comparing neighborhoods. Students at charter schools come from all over the city, some might even come from the neighborhoods you're referencing. Regardless, we're getting hung up on the OP's choice of words... Does it really matter if the kids are the MOST impoverished? Clearly this teacher is supporting kids that need it. Let's keep the big picture in mind here.
Not quite... First of all, the neighborhood the school is in means relatively little when considering the students household income. It's a charter school, students don't necessarily come from the immediate geographic area. Second of all, the school is run by Christopher House... A non-profit. Info here: I understand being skeptical, but you made a ton of uninformed assumptions in this post.
29-24 M 29-24 M
24-27 Penn State Worried about the let down this week...

Absolutely no question about it. Most exciting player to watch in Michigan history... in my opinion. The personality and charisma made rooting for him all that much better.

"The 49ers had the off season

"The 49ers had the off season from hell, there's no other way to put it. I can't remember a team losing a coach, a really good coach... by the way, three straight shut outs for Michigan..."

to be fair

to be fair, this talks about a coin spin - not a toss. Still interesting though.