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9 years 4 months

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Been pouring rain in the…

Been pouring rain in the upper thumb area all morning. Got a standing rib roast seasoned and ready for the oven. I’d rather be grilling, but it is what it is. Here’s hoping everyone has a safe and enjoyable day


Your work is incredible and…

Your work is incredible and much appreciated! I certainly hope Michigan holds up their end of the bargain today to reward your efforts 

I’m typically a lurker here…

I’m typically a lurker here and rarely post or reply. But your take on this is 100% spot on 

Bad Axe resident here. Cool…

Bad Axe resident here. Cool to see a local team do so well. Happy for the girls for sure  

Too bad they mispronounced Sebewaing on SC last night. 

MGo Name chosen because I’m…

MGo Name chosen because I’m a 1985 business school grad

Avatar chosen because I like the pic 

I didn’t remember the exact…

I didn’t remember the exact price per pack, but apparently I spent a lot more quarters than I thought. When I sorted through the cards several years ago I organized them by number in storage boxes sized for the cards. I believe I have 5 or 6 complete sets ( #1 - #660) and thousands of other cards that aren’t complete sets. Fortunately, I have about a dozen Yount cards and almost as many Brett cards set aside. Hank Aaron cards as well. I shared the gum with my sister, and yes, it was nasty. 

I have thousands of 1975…

I have thousands of 1975 Topps mini baseball cards. That year they printed normal size cards and cards that are about 70% (?) of the normal size. The mini cards were only sold in a few states, Michigan being one. If my memory is correct, the George Brett and Robin Yount rookie cards are the most valuable.  There’s others like Nolan Ryan that also had a decent price. Years ago I sorted them and put the valuable cards into individual holders.  I believe they sold for five cents a pack back then, with a piece of bubble gum.  I also have a few gems like a Lew Alcindor rookie basketball card plus a couple others. They’re all packed away neatly in storage containers now lol. 

Revenge Tour stop 4!


Revenge Tour stop 4!

It’s happening!

Bang me and screw the cooler poopers!

Absolutely this!


Absolutely this!

mGrowOld you just nailed it on the head for both OSU and MSU. The next several years should be fantastic for Michigan alums and fans. 

Bang me! 

Thank God for the…

Bang me! 

Thank God for the record option on Direct TV. I’ll be unable to watch the game live until around 8:30pm. Sometimes work stuff is a PitA. I suspect the good guys will have a decent lead by then. 

Go Blue and to hell with Notre Dame!!

Predictions Anyone care to offer a prediction on next year’s MBB record? I hope I didn’t miss the thread on this...

Sarcasm below Build the wall!
I apologize I didn’t see the pic request until it was too late. Next time I’ll get photo evidence lol.
Is it possible to post pics on here from my phone? I don’t go to the full site on my PC very often
Grilling Beef loin tips, wrapped in Cajun bacon with crushed pineapple. Fresh asparagus, sliced peppers and cubed red potatoes on the grill as well.
Sipping Four Roses Single Barrel.
Life is good
#MMGA Make Michigan Great Again (football)
I had I had the MLB Network on when the Indians hit the early grand slam. Wrote this game off as a loss immediately. As the night went along I saw score updates. Watched them take the lead on the bases loaded walk. I’m still not sure if this game says more about Detroit or Cleveland though. Hopefully the young guys keep plugging along. Having the Tigers do moderately well will help the summer move along until football returns.
An agenda Perhaps? Throw a little shade toward Ann Arbor in an attempt to equalize the negative coverage of events in East Landfill...a lame attempt at that, however
So True As in most cases, this one indeed, journalists write their story(ies) trying to sensationalize things they’re rarely experts about. I totally agree, a junior in RSB likely knows much more than the person slinging accusations at the FP. Sadly, it seems trying to equate successful asset management with decades of sexual assaults is the best the FP has to offer.
Bang me Living in the “ice belt” for the storm of the century, of the year, this weekend. Could be a boring weekend...or maybe not.
This Topic This is unreal. I have a similar situation. Without details. One is alive and one just called me with a diagnosis. No matter what happens in San Antonio tonight, what happens in Ann Arbor trumps it by infinity.
Is this an appropriate time for a #SpartanDawg reference too? Asking for a friend*

San Antonio Looks like Michigan has San Antonio covered. Monday should be fun!
Clayton Cluster Hon. Mention
Scavenger hunt Afternoon will be spent with a huge group doing a scavenger hunt. Then a bite to eat and continued drinking well into the night celebrating a Final Four birth!
Go Blue!
Bingo You hit the nail on the head. Most sports journalists (save a few) don’t know squat about intricacies of the sports they cover. Write an article highlighting a few key moments in the game and do a few interviews to mingle some quotes in the story.
He just tweeted He just tweeted about a QB transferring to WSU instead of ‘Bama
Bang Me! Wouldn’t a seeding position higher than Sparty be wonderful after the bowl season positioning? I still have Sparty slappies whining about that. It would cause a meltdown of epic proportions! Here’s to San Antonio!
Or IZZ 0-2 Zone
Great game I’m off to work a QDMA banquet. Plenty of Sparty slappies will be there. Should be a fun night lol
On my phone I have no idea how to post cool muppet stuff from my phone, but this weekend was great to experience!

Go Blue Forever!
Exclusive Excess Brought to you by AT&T, in association with Honda and Papa Johns. The Bud Light tent cam will be on every NFL sideline this fall.
Two things I learned Two things that stuck with me most from my time in B-School 1) Buy the companies making/selling axes and picks, not those mining for gold (singles VS home runs) 2) Look at indices charts over time (6-month, 1-year, 2-year, etc) as day to day gyrations can drive you crazy. Steady as she goes with the right amount of risk included
Good Lord Free Throw misses, awful 3-PT attempts. Let’s just seal it here guys!!
Duke and Kansas Both Duke and Kansas already lost to big underdogs today. Let’s win easily!
Go Blue!!
I agree Emails and texts are traceable. Spoken words, however, will be much more difficult to prove. Whether spoken face to face, in phone conversations, etc. I’m certain more people knew than simply emails and texts will reveal
When do When do the prosecutions start? This has potential to be far reaching into the administration and athletic department. Proving who knew what may be difficult, but people knew!!
Missing I haven’t heard from any of my Sparty friends lol. Some are really good people, but it’s much better not having to hear about losing to them!
You’re right Wendy I’ve spent my career managing manufacturing facilities. Many female employees in each. I’ve always been careful and emphasized this with mid level managers also. Better safe than have any chance of something being misunderstood
Thank You for the update. I was wondering, but too busy/lazy to do the research myself
That Arizona TD Pretty well designed passing play. It’d be fun to see Michigan do some things as nicely designed with all the weapons we have.
ChadTough Maybe a reference here....
Christmas Eve We do the wife’s family every Christmas Eve. It’s actually pretty nice. Brother in law built a big heated pole barn a few years ago so it’s comfy and there’s enough room to stay away from the few idiots. Today is immediate family. Merry Christmas and Go Blue!
Wife’s Family I play along. Multiple State grads here. They know the truth lol. If I pointed anything out to them I’d be a jerk. U M = Winning
Y Yes
Four Roses Single Barrel You won’t be disappointed
Four Roses Single Barrel I had a bottle earmarked for the gathering with the wife’s family tomorrow. My weakness prevailed and I’m enjoying a glass on the rocks right now
Great Driving…
I love any trip to the UP, including the drive on US-2
Still? Comforting to know
Josh Allen That Wyoming QB looks legit SMDH
Ho Ho Ho Bang Bang Bang!
Merry Christmas and Go Blue!